What Sora Can Do and How to Use OpenAI Sora for Free

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How to Use OpenAI Sora for Free

Welcome to a new era of AI innovation! Sora, the text-to-video model from OpenAI, has arrived, stirring a mix of excitement and concern. Witnessing the rapid progress of AI through real-time demonstrations is uniquely thrilling. Mere leaderboards or benchmarks can’t quite capture this feeling. In the past 18 hours, the technical report for Sora has been released, along with an array of demos and details. In this blog, I aim to delve into what Sora is, what it signifies, how to Use OpenAI Sora for Free, and what we can expect moving forward.

What is Sora

OpenAI developed Sora, a sophisticated AI model designed for generating video content. Despite not fully disclosing specific technical details and the underlying architecture of Sora, we can infer its operational framework based on the highlighted capabilities and limitations.

First look of OpenAI Sora

How does Sora work?

Here’s a simplified explanation of how technologies like Sora work, drawing on general principles of AI and machine learning, particularly in the context of video generation:

1. Training on Large Datasets

Sora is trained on vast datasets comprising videos and possibly accompanying textual descriptions. The training involves analyzing thousands of hours of video content. It learns patterns, visual elements, storytelling cues, and relationships between objects in a scene. The model likely uses supervised, unsupervised, and possibly reinforcement learning techniques. This helps improve accuracy and output quality.

2. Understanding Patterns and Context

Through its training, Sora learns to recognize and replicate patterns in video content.

This includes understanding how objects move and interact. It also includes the appearance of different environments. Perhaps even the emotional tone of scenes is included. The model doesn’t “understand” these elements in a human sense. However, it identifies patterns and correlations within its training data. It can replicate these patterns and correlations.

3. Generating Content Based on Prompts

Users interact with Sora by providing prompts, which can range from simple descriptions to more complex narratives. The AI then processes these prompts to generate video content that matches the request. This involves selecting relevant patterns learned during training and piecing them together to create new, coherent video sequences that align with the user’s input.

4. Leveraging Advanced Neural Networks

At the heart of Sora are likely several types of neural networks, including convolutional neural networks (CNNs) for processing visual information and transformers for handling sequences and generating coherent content over time. These networks enable Sora to process and generate high-resolution video content, maintaining continuity and visual coherence across frames.

5. Handling Limitations through Feedback

Sora, like all AI models, is subject to continuous improvement. Feedback from users and ongoing training with new datasets help the model refine its capabilities and address some of the limitations, such as object permanence issues, inaccuracies in physical simulation, and other anomalies mentioned earlier.

6. Ethical and Creative Filters

While not explicitly mentioned, AI models like Sora may incorporate filters or guidelines to prevent the generation of inappropriate content or to navigate around copyright issues. These measures are crucial for ensuring that the AI’s capabilities are used responsibly and ethically.

In summary, Sora operates by leveraging massive datasets. It also uses advanced neural network architectures. These are used to generate video content based on user prompts. While Sora showcases remarkable capabilities, it is also a work in progress. It is continually evolving through user feedback. Additionally, it evolves through further research and development in AI and machine learning.

How to Use OpenAI Sora for Free

If you are looking to use OpenAI Sora for Free, you should know that developers are currently working on Sora and have not officially released it yet.

OpenAI has provided a first preview to showcase what Sora is capable of, but as of February 18, 2024, it is not available for use. It is anticipated that there might be different packages for Sora, similar to how ChatGPT has free and subscription-based versions. Based on my experience, it is possible that OpenAI will offer a free trial period for Sora, which will later convert into a paid subscription. 

The price for a Sora subscription could range from $20 to $30 per month, and there may be restrictions on the usage, such as a limit on the number of videos generated or the length of each video. However, as of now, Sora is not accessible for either free or paid use.

Limitations of Sora

While Sora represents a significant advancement in AI-driven video content creation, it’s important to recognize its limitations. As with any technology, understanding what Sora cannot do is crucial for setting realistic expectations and fostering responsible innovation.

How to Use OpenAI Sora for Free 1
Limitations of Sora

Here are some key limitations based on the information provided and a general understanding of AI capabilities:

Understanding Complex Physics

Sora may struggle with accurately simulating the physics of a complex scene. This means it might not always render movements and interactions between objects in a physically plausible manner, which can be crucial for certain types of content, especially those requiring high fidelity to real-world physics.

Grasping Cause and Effect

The model does not fully comprehend cause-and-effect relationships in the way humans do. While it can generate content based on patterns learned from vast datasets, it might not always accurately predict or illustrate the logical sequence of events in a scenario.

Distinguishing Left from Right

Sora has been noted to mix up left and right directions. This limitation could affect the spatial coherence of generated videos, potentially confusing the orientation or placement of objects and characters within a scene.

Spontaneous Object Appearance or Disappearance

There can be inconsistencies with object permanence, where objects appear spontaneously or disappear for no apparent reason within the video content. This can disrupt the continuity and realism of the generated videos.

Deep Conceptual Understanding and Reasoning

While Sora excels at creating visually impressive videos based on patterns it has learned, it does not possess a deep, conceptual understanding of the content it generates. This means it might not capture the nuanced emotions, motivations, or complex narratives that a human creator could convey.

Ethical and Creative Judgments

Sora lacks the ability to make artistic evaluations.

It functions by relying on the data it has been taught, lacking a grasp of nuances, copyright concerns, or the moral consequences of its output.

Replacing Human Creativity

Perhaps most importantly, Sora cannot replace the depth and breadth of human creativity. While it can assist in generating content, the unique insights, emotions, and creative visions that human artists bring to their work are beyond the scope of what any AI, including Sora, can achieve.

It’s clear that Sora and similar AI technologies offer exciting possibilities for content creation. However, they also come with limitations. These limitations underscore the continued importance of human oversight in the creative process. Human creativity is also still crucial in the creative process. Ethical consideration remains a vital aspect of the creative process.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is Sora on Chatgpt?

Sora, as a specific AI model developed by OpenAI for video content generation, is not a feature or function within ChatGPT itself. ChatGPT and Sora are distinct AI systems with different capabilities.

Is AI Sora free?

Sora is not fully launched yet but it is expected that Openai Sora will not be free.

Can I access OpenAI Sora?

Sora is not launched yet that’s why you can not access the OpenAI Sora in any way.

Is OpenAI safe to use?

OpenAI emphasizes safety and ethical concerns in creating AI technologies, taking steps to prevent misuse, and promoting responsible usage. Users should stay updated on privacy policies, how data is managed, and the intended purposes of AI tools to make informed choices about safety.

Is OpenAI Sora available to the public?

OpenAI’s Sora is not available to use for general users as of 18 Feb 2024 but It will be available soon.


In conclusion, OpenAI’s Sora is a groundbreaking advance in AI-driven video content creation, pushing digital media boundaries with remarkable capabilities. Full public availability is uncertain, but Sora’s potential applications underscore the ongoing evolution of AI technologies. Navigating these developments requires balancing excitement with ethical considerations. It’s essential to ensure tools like Sora enhance creative possibilities responsibly and benefit society.

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By Sajid
Sajid Ali stands as a full-time, top-rated freelancer with an impressive seven-year track record in the dynamic realm of Artificial Intelligence, encompassing expertise in AI Image Generation, Prompt Engineering, Advanced Excel, Google Sheets, 3D Animation, and Character Modeling. His wealth of experience extends to collaborating with over 3,000 clients, a testament to his proven skills and dedication. At the helm of a diverse team of approximately 30 professionals specializing in various domains, Sajid Ali leads with a commitment to excellence and innovation.